Nuke Em®:
- Listed Organic by OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute)
- Kills Spider mites, Leaf Aphids, Whitefly and more
- Kills eggs, larvae, juvenile and adult insects
- Reduces Powdery Mildew
- Is concentrated and economical
- Is approved for use on the day of harvest
- Is safe around people and pets when used as directed
- Doesn’t alter the taste or smell of growing crops or finished produce
- Doesn’t lower the value of produce
- Doesn’t slow photosynthesis by reducing light to photon cells on leaves as oil pesticides can
- Doesn’t slow photosynthesis from residue clogging the leaf stomata as oil pesticides can
- Doesn’t contain high concentrations of oils
- Doesn’t contain chemical surfactants
- Doesn’t contain petroleum or Pyrethrin’s
- Doesn’t smell bad
- Doesn’t make leaves, stems, and flowers sticky like oil pesticides can
This product is avaiable for shipping and in-store pickup.
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